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World News

East WestWhere WhenWhy tomorrow, will never know But today tells all eventually.

The times are a changing, says this old man. I never was able to determine what day it was once I came out of my stuper. I guess I shouod begin drinkin' again so I know where I am.









January 30, 2009!

Chinese New Year

Ring in the Chinese New Year, an ancient celebration honored in style. The casinos helped the world celebrate the coming of the new year., Asisn style on Sunday. More:

SUV Crashes into Market

After one month of operation, the new market on Aria Blvd was hit by an SUV sometime around 1:30 on Wednesday. More:

Veterans of Foreign Wars

200 hundred members of the VFW converged on the Red Garter last weekend. with members from the Wasatch Front attending the 3 day celebration.  More:









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